Corrections and Public Safety

The Prison Policy Initiative asserts that incarceration in the United States costs federal and state governments and impacted families is $182 billion each year. Those incarcerated are more likely to have experienced trauma than those not incarcerated. Additionally, 6000,000 people leave facilities and re-enter society every year, but do not receive the necessary support to heal from their traumas from before or during their incarceration. Trauma-informed supports can set re-entrants up for success and reduce recidivism.

Podcast: Research Team Suggests Potential Driver for Young Men’s Reincarceration

Listen to this podcast, in which Florida State University researchers address “trauma as a key mechanism to reduce reincarceration for young men at risk of returning to prison after release”. 

Article: A Trauma-Informed Perspective on Reentry

Read the Erie Coalition for a Trauma-Informed Community’s (ECTIC) perspective on reentry. The ECTIC explains why it is important to provide trauma-informed services, and outlines Erie County Reentry Services and Support Aliiance’s strategy for reentry, which has led to an estimated cost savings of $2.7 million.