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The 6th Annual Compassionate Champion Awards

The Compassionate Champion Award highlights individuals or teams in government, non-profit and private organizations, first-responder professions, educational institutions, healthcare professionals, and other agencies that have taken steps toward providing services in a manner consistent with trauma-informed care. Registration Required!


Trauma Awareness Month: Unlocking Leadership Potential Through Expressive Writing

Trauma Awareness Month, a time to celebrate the exceptional work done to date, share best practices and resources for trauma-informed care, and learn how trauma-informed practices can enhance your organization’s services. Join Sage Horizons in the "Unlock Leadership Potential with Expressive Writing" webinar on May 8, 2024, from 12-1 PM ET and discover how journaling […]


988 in Delaware: Expanding the Behavioral Health Crisis Service Continuum

"9-8-8 was launched nationwide in July 2022 as the new 3-digit hotline for mental health and suicide crisis. In this workshop, the speakers will overview the history, significance, and current progress in implementing 988 in Delaware. They will also discuss how Delaware is creating a robust behavioral health crisis care continuum of tomorrow." Registration Required!


Brain Architecture Game (May 23 and May 29)

This interactive training is designed to provide a baseline understanding of brain development and how it is impacted both by resilience and by trauma. You may join us on ONE of the following dates: May 23rd or May 29th Registration Required!   Presented by: Nancy McGee & Cynthia Jones Community Healing Co-Chairs Trauma Matters Delaware


A Conversation About Trauma-informed, Resilience-oriented, Equity-focused Systems (TIROES) and Approaches for IDD Populations

If you support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), you can meet their needs better with a trauma-informed, resilience-oriented and equity-focused (TIROE) approach. But what does that look like and how do you get started? Find out during a discussion about TIROE systems (TIROES) and approaches brought to you by the National Council’s IDD […]

Webinar: Exploring Trauma in Military Systems

This workshop will seek to explore how trauma has intersected with various military systems including policies, active duty accession standards, and the veteran experience of navigating the VA. Please contact Erin Mitchell at if you need accommodations. Register Here!

Finding Your Resilience: A Quality To Develop For Today And Tomorrow

We all have resilience, and we must know how to acquire our innate skills to be able to help ourselves when we have to overcome a set-back in our lives. Resilience does not mean that we do not experience anger, loneliness, grief and pain—the key is how do we deal with these adversities in our […]

Mental Health and the Farming Community

This webinar seeks to build awareness to reduce stigma and provide access to information and resources that promote farmer and rancher mental health wellness. If you have ever wondered how does mental health affect farmers and where can farmers get help? This is the webinar for you. Please contact Erin Mitchell at if you […]

Impact of Human Trafficking Within Our Delaware Communities

This workshop includes the following learning objectives: What is Human Trafficking/Human Smuggling Ways Traffickers Choose Their Potential Victims Trauma Associated With Trafficking Please contact Erin Mitchell at if you need accommodations. Register Here!

The Impact of Grief and Trauma on the Mind, Body and Spirit

This webinar will focus on understanding grief and trauma’s effects holistically and the importance of addressing each for healing. Meet the Presenter: Rev. Dr. Carol E. Boggerty S.T.D., LCSW, BCC, APBCC, LCPC Director of Chaplaincy Services Department Bayhealth Medical Center Register Here! Please contact Erin Mitchell at if you need accommodations.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Mental Health

The workshop will highlight IPV, how to assess it, and ways to treat it as a mental health professional. Meet the Presenter: Krystle Tinsley LICSW, LCSW-C Intentional Living, LLC Register Here! Please contact Erin Mitchell at if you need accommodations.
