April Newsletter


Welcome to the first edition of the Trauma Informed Delaware (TID) newsletter created by Trauma Matters Delaware (TMD). TID is a statewide campaign aimed at preventing and eliminating the impact of adverse experiences on children, adults, and families. TID has embraced trauma informed approaches as a key strategy to accomplish this aim and this newsletter as well as the TID website are key elements of the campaign.

TMD is a statewide grassroots coalition which coordinates sustainable, community-based awareness of and responsiveness to trauma in individuals, families, throughout communities, and within service systems. TMD’s vision is that Delaware is a place where people are resilient and reach their full potential. TMD is positioned as the capacity builder of the Trauma Informed Delaware (TID) Campaign and will work in partnership with major stakeholders in Delaware  in a joint effort to make Delaware a trauma-informed state. 

Every quarter, the newsletter will offer updates, resources and events, locally and regionally, and focus on people and organizations that are working to create a trauma-informed Delaware. In light of COVID19, we are using this edition to provide information and resources to help individuals, organizations and communities be as resilient as possible during these stressful times. 


Trauma Informed Spotlight

Each edition of the newsletter will highlight a person, community or agency that embodies the principles of a trauma informed approach including safety, trustworthiness & transparency, peer support, collaboration & mutuality, empowerment & choice and cultural, historical & gender issues. This edition we want to give a shout out to all the people working in the Division of Public Health (DPH) State Health Operations Center (SHOC).  

The SHOC is responsible for overseeing and coordinating health and medical response operations in a local or statewide emergency or disaster.  The SHOC has been the lead in Delaware helping the state and its community partners to respond to COVID 19. Staff at the SHOC  embody the principles of safety and trustworthiness and transparency, working to ensure that Delawareans can get accurate information, that people working directly with the public have access to personal protective equipment and to coordinate the medical response for people who need to be tested and receive medical attention. Recently the SHOC posted a video on the DHSS Facebook page thanking a range of workers in Delaware for their efforts which have helped the SHOC staff to do their job to respond to COVID19.  You can view the video here: https://www.facebook.com/DelawareDHSS/videos/701997020542137/ 

 We were inspired by their thank you video and wanted to pay it forward by spotlighting all the hard working staff manning the various units of SHOC to respond to COVID19. These staff are working 7 days a week often more than their typical work week, giving up time they would usually spend with their families all to coordinate the response to COVID to help as many Delawareans as possible stay healthy and for those who are impacted by COVID19 to make sure they have the support to recover.  The people working in the SHOC are mostly behind the scenes so we wanted to use this spotlight to let them know how much we appreciate their efforts! 

Upcoming Events

Trauma Blueprint Webinar: Share your thoughts

If you were not able to attend the March Trauma Matters Delaware (TMD) convening, or are still processing some of the information we shared, we invite you to join us for a virtual webinar.  In this zoom session, we will answer any additional questions regarding the TMD Strategic Planning Initiative and the role of TMD as the leading capacity-building entity to fuel our progress.

Please SAVE THE DATE, we will host two webinars (90 min) on Monday, April 6th at 12 PM and Tuesday, April 7th, at 6 PM. If you are unable to attend, we will record the webinar to share.

Click here to join: https://zoom.us/j/575272705

Meeting ID: 575 272 705

Join by phone: (646) 558-8656,

Code: 575272705# 

Trauma Informed Care Events 

As a result of COVID19,  in-person events planned over the next few months including those in Delaware to celebrate Trauma Informed month have been cancelled.  However, many local and national organizations are shifting to virtual events.  We wanted to share a few national resources with you that focus on building protective factors and promoting resilience during this challenging time:

Free Mind Matters Online Series: Free access to 12 sessions focused on managing anxiety and building resilience.  https://www.dibbleinstitute.org/free-mind-matters-online-series/ 

Mindful Family, Joyful Home on 5/13/20- free webinar for caregivers about how to weave in mindfulness into family time. https://learn.niroga.org/courses/mindfulfamily-may20 

Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions: archived webinar  Addressing the Social Determinants of Health: COVID-19 Impacts and Responses https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vTd1FmfXQSWIQGhaUw4M9Q 


Did you know? 

During each edition of the newsletter, we will be sharing trauma informed resources that we like and trust.  You can also find additional resources on our Trauma Informed Delaware website https://traumamattersdelaware.org/. In the last several weeks we’ve seen many individuals and organizations sharing COVID 19 resources to help children, adults and their communities. Drawing on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) dimensions of wellness (for more about this, click herehttps://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/8-dimensions-: of-wellness-where-do-you-fit-in-0527164) we wanted to highlight resources for five dimensions which we hope will be helpful:







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